Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Day!! Or is it Spa Day??

Well, you're not going outside today and either am I.  So instead of finding something to do in Phoenixville when it's buried in snow, how about finding something to do inside the home with the little one?  I have just the activity:  Baby Spa Day!

If I lived in Cary, North Carolina, I'd go to the Itsby Bitsy Baby Spa, but since I live here and am stuck indoors I'm just going to have to recreate it at home.  First, you want to start with a little baby yoga.  I use the book Itsby Bitsy Yoga, but check out this cute and quick video demonstrating some of the moves.  I set baby down on her little blanket, and we get to work with a few sets of  "tiny tugs," "belly breathers," and "chair" poses.  The instructions assure me that these will help baby's digestion (she already poops a lot so I don't think that's an issue).  It does (as the video promises) feel like a special bonding moment though. She smiles and giggles through the routine, and I do a few stretches too.  I think she likes to watch me do poses as much as she likes to do them too. 

So after our yoga routine, we move on to bathtime!  My mother was awesome enough to buy us the Summer Infant Soothing Spa, but to be honest, we haven't used the jacuzzi feature yet.  We just use the tub and put in a little Johnson and Johnson Bedtime Bath (it makes her smell like baby lavender). 

The bath used to be a fussy, tearful mess, but I've adapted to make it more enjoyable for all involved.  First, we put her towels and nightclothes in the dryer for ten minutes to get them toasty warm when she gets out.  Second, we blowdry her hair immediately (the white noise and the warmth are instant fuss eliminators).  Third, we incorperate baby massage into our towel off. 

If you haven't yet tried baby massage, here's a video to guide you through the process. I don't use massage oil, but rather Mustela Body Lotion, and it works just fine.  Your baby will be nice and chill afterwards and ready for one long, deep sleep. 

So there you have it!  Your snow day is tranformed into a spa day!  Enjoy!

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