Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Babies Night at the Colonial Theatre

I have to admit I was riddled with anxiety about going to the movie theater with my three month old baby, even if it was Babies Night at the Colonial.  What if she screamed thru the flick and ruined it for everyone?  What if she got hungry?  What if she needed a diaper change?  What if the car seat didn’t fit in the aisle? What if I was so anxious I couldn’t concentrate on the flick?  Well, most of my fears didn’t come true, but some of them did.  As the fellow newbie parents in line said, “This could either be really awesome or a complete disaster!” I’m tending toward the awesomeness.
The best case scenario would have been that the baby falls asleep in the car and then sleeps through the entire movie.  This did not happen.  In fact, she was wide awake until five minutes before the closing credits.  On the plus side, she was very well behaved.  After buying our popcorn, Twizzlers, and sodas, we headed up to the balcony where it was warm and toasty.  Granted, I had panic attacks about the baby somehow falling off the balcony, but it was overall worth it to be upstairs when it came to diaper changing time.
Yes, within the first half hour, baby had a wet diaper. I headed to the ladies room to find no changing table, but there was a very accommodating counter space and the diaper change went off without a hitch.  Of course, I missed a ten minute segment of the movie, but oh well…I’m kind of used to watching TV like a detective: piecing together segments of an interrupted show like they were clues to a plot I’m on the verge of understanding.
Within in the next half hour, baby was hungry.  Luckily, I had brought the boppy nursing pillow with me thinking it would be more comfy for her to sit on our laps with the pillow.  The darkness of the theatre makes it ideal to breastfeed in public with none the wiser.  We managed through a half hour feed perfectly.  In the faint distance I heard a baby cry, and I smiled.  It wasn’t annoying in the least. 
Of course, she still didn’t sleep despite being milk drunk.  The gunshots from the Western flick startled her a bit (I think comedies might be better movie choices in the future), but she sat on our laps seemingly watching the movie with us.  It was only at the end that we transferred her back to the car seat, which was wedged between us on the floor of the aisle.  When the lights came back on, I noticed a couple below had managed their car seat into the actual chair.  Why didn’t we think of that? 
I think next time I will sit down below in the main area.  Carrying the car seat up to the balcony was tough.  If we walked to the theatre with our stroller, as summertime will warrant, we could park it in the handicapped seating areas and sit with our bundle of joy while we enjoy another movie night.  The best part of the night was actually getting to go to the movies with my husband after three months of cinema celibacy! 

1 comment:

  1. Going to the movies is a rare treat when you are a parent :) That's cute they have baby night. I watched TV with Leo for the first few months then moved the TV up stairs where he can't see it. I'm totally glad I did because he had started taking a bit too much notice in the shiney light box. The first few months are a bit more innocent because it's just more background noise...
