Thursday, February 3, 2011

MOMs Club Phoenixville

MOMS Club Phoenixville Meeting
I type this at 9am in the morning.  I’ve already had an unprecedented shower in the AM in anticipation of attending my very first MOMs club Phoenixville meeting.  For the first time in 12 weeks, I’ve thought about how my hair looks and what I’m wearing.  I’m debating whether or not to bring my child.  If things go south, I could hide behind her car seat; but using my child as a shield seems pathetic, however, possibly necessary. My husband offered to watch her, and I should very well accept that offer, but I feel pioneering this morning…those MOMs clubs ladies surely have their babies with them.  Luckily, I hear her pooping so that’s one less challenge I have to face in front of the glaring eyes of 20 other experienced mothers. 
I hope I’m being silly with a bad case of social anxiety.  But If I have it, then I’m sure at least one other reader does too.  I figured if you knew the whole journey, it could inspire you to get out of the house and check out the group too.  My biggest fear is that since I am not a stay-at-home mom, this will exclude me from just about every activity the group has to offer.  At least I can inform you about what I’ll be missing out on.   
We are out the door!
Well, MOMs club time is approximate (not like Baby Story Time at the Phoenixville Library where 9:30am means 9:30am).  I was unusually the first person there, and there’s nothing worse than being the first, especially when you are new.  But as mommies trickled in with their kids, the small play corner of Franklin Commons Bistro became a toddler zoo.  (Note: Franklin Commons Bistro would be a great place to take your toddler if you wanted to get out of the house and your child wanted to enjoy toys you didn't buy.) 
I soon realized that if I had showed up without a child, I would have stuck out like a sore thumb.  So bring your baby to the meetings (even the business ones).  I chatted with a few moms in between them chasing their two year olds around the place.  My baby, like always, is the youngest one there.  Do mommies with children under 6 months ever leave the house?  If so, where are you hanging out?  I want to meet you!  One of the MOMs assured me that the club does have quite a few newer moms with younger babies, but the turnout today was low.
I really enjoyed meeting the MOMs of Phoenixville.  All were super sweet, but the meeting really didn’t afford much talk time. Both the baby and I were a bit overwhelmed by the activity of the place.  It’s hard focusing on adult talk with fifteen toddlers wandering around.  Maybe that’s an acquired skill of motherhood.  I think I’d prefer smaller group functions.  From what I understand, any MOM can host an activity, and I use the word “host” loosely.  You could “host” a stroller walk at Valley Forge Park; just tell the MOMs where you’ll be and see if anybody meets you there!
What did I learn from MOMs today?  One: Monkey Joe’s is apparently the place to be.  Two: Kindergarten is way harder than it used to be back when we were in it.  Forget the days of recess and nap time.  Apparently, Kindergarten is the new college.

Will I be back?  To a meeting, no (but logistically I’ll be back at work). To an activity, yes.  I just have to get my $25 membership dues in (although you are allowed to attend two functions before you decide to be a member). 


  1. I responded to your post on Iron Hill, but I figured I would comment to this post too. I live in Collegeville, have a 6 month old and really enjoy reading your blog. I'm off for the year with my daughter and like I said below, you are a VERY active new mommy!

  2. Hi there - I was your Iron Hill commenter the other day, and we met yesterday! I had one of the crazy toddlers. It was great to see you at the meeting and I hope you'll come back to another one. I felt like a fish out of water at my first couple of meetings because I didn't know anyone but that changes quickly. I am enjoying the blog; please keep it up!

  3. Hello! I am VERY delayed in seeing this blog, but just wanted to comment that I've enjoyed reading your posts! I have an 8 month old son and am looking to spend more time with other moms. I may have to check out the meetings!
